
Recent Posters

Horton, G., Foushee, R., & Srinivasan, M. (2022). Characterizing the complete language environment: What could children learn by 'listening in'? Poster presented at the 12th Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society (CDS). [pdf]
Foushee, R. & Srinivasan, M. (2021). Do speakers consult an internal jury of their peers in judging linguistic 'fault' and subjectivity? Poster presented at the Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP). [pdf]
Foushee, R., Srinivasan, M., & Xu, F. (2020). The impact of speech complexity on preschooler attention and learning. Poster presented at 45th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD45), Boston, MA. [pdf]
Foushee, R., Jansen, R., & Srinivasan, M. (2020). Transmission of religious and scientific explanations within chains of Hindu and Muslim Children. Poster presented at 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Toronto, Canada.
Jansen, R. & Foushee, R. (2020). Similarity judgments determine consistency of implicit number conceptions across ages. Poster presented at 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Toronto, Canada.
Foushee, R., Xu, Y., & Srinivasan, M. (2019). How do we talk to children? Leveraging speech corpora to quantify how we simplify speech to children. Poster to be presented at the 44th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Boston, MA. [pdf]
Wehry, J., Rabagliati, H., Skarabela, B., Saouri, A., Srinivasan, M. (2019). Daxing with a Dax: The relationship between artifact-function polysemy and the design stance. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Louisville, KY. [pdf]
Langenhoff, A., Dahl, A., Srinivasan, M. (2019). Preschoolers’ and adults’ understanding of novel moral and conventional violations. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Louisville, KY. [pdf]
Ellwood-Lowe, M., Berner, C., Dunham, Y., Srinivasan, M. (2019). Indian = Hindu? The development of nationalist attitudes among Hindu and Muslim children in India. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD. [pdf]
Starr, A., Cirolia, A., Srinivasan, M. (2018). Spatial metaphor provides an advantage for word learning. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA. [pdf]
Ellwood-Lowe, M., Srinivasan, M., Bunge, S. (2018). Exploring individual differences in memory for distractors. Poster presented at the Bay Area Memory Meeting (BAMM), Davis, CA. [pdf]
Jansen, R., Foushee, R., Griffiths, T. (2018). A new similarity measure to reveal individual differences and growth in implicit number conceptions. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Madison, WI. [pdf]
Foushee, R., Xu, F., & Srinivasan, M. (2018). The ‘Goldilocks Effect’ in preschoolers’ attention to spoken language. Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Madison, WI. [pdf]
Foushee, R. & Srinivasan, M. (2018). Faultless disagreement judgments track adults’ estimates of population-level consensus over adjective-referent pairs. Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Madison, WI. [pdf]
Starr, A., Srinivasan, M., Bunge, S. (2018). Knowledge about real-world objects influences visual working memory capacity. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Jansen, R., Foushee, R., Griffiths, T. (2017). When 7 is closer to 9 than 8: An expanded measure of implicit number conception. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society, Oxford, UK. [jpg]
Starr A., Srinivasan M. (2017). Spatial metaphor & the development of cross-domain mappings in early childhood. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR. [pdf]
Jansen, R., Rafferty, A., Griffiths, T. (2017). Algebra is not like trivia: Self-assessment in an online math tutor. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, London, UK [pdf]
Foushee, R., Jansen, R., & Srinivasan, M. (2017). Relating conceptions of math with anxiety about math. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, London, UK [jpg]
Srinivasan, M., Berner, C., & Rabagliati, H. (2017). Children’s use of lexical flexibility to structure new noun categories. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, London, UK [pdf]
Foushee, R., Jansen, R., & Srinivasan, M. (2017). Low- and high- math anxiety individuals’ representations of math: A multidimensional scaling analysis. Poster presented at the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Conference, Nashville, TN. [pdf]
Starr, A., Vendetti, M., Srinivasan, M. & Bunge, S. (2017). Eye movements provide insight into the development of analogical reasoning. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX. [pdf]
Foushee, R. & Srinivasan, M. (2017). Developing sensitivity to subjectivity in language. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX. [pdf]
Jansen, R., Foushee, R. & Srinivasan, M. (2017). Broad definitions of math are linked to lower levels of math anxiety. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX. [pdf]
Bartnof, A., Foushee, R., Barner, D. & Srinivasan, M. (2017). Do young children expect newly-learned words to be shared by others? Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX. [pdf]
Williams, A.I., Srinivasan, M & Zhou, Q. (2017). The relations between parental code-switching and emotion expression in multilingual families. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX. [pdf]
Foushee, R. & Li, P. (2016). Counting pieces of stuff in Tseltal Maya. Poster presented at the Putting Fieldwork on Indigenous Languages to New Uses Workshop, Campinas, Brazil. [pdf]
Foushee, R. & Srinivasan, M. (2016). Sensing subjectivity: Semantic and epistemological development. Poster presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting for the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Austin, TX. [pdf]
Moty, K. & Srinivasan, M. (2016). Pragmatic inferences in definite and indefinite contexts. Poster presented at the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Philadelphia, PA. [pdf]
Foushee, R., Dubey, R., & Srinivasan, M. (2016). The impact of social structure and culture on mindset and math anxiety: Evidence from an Indian middle school. Poster presented at the 2017 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX. [pdf]
Srinivasan, M., Al-Mughairy, S., Kaplan, E. & Dahl, A. (2015). Preschoolers’ reactions to novel moral and conventional violations. Poster presented at the 9th Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Columbus, OH. [pdf]
Foushee, R. & Srinivasan, M. (2015). Children’s understanding of subjectivity in language. Poster presented at the 9th Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Columbus, OH. [pdf]
Tillman, K., Marghetis, T., Al-Mughairy, S., Barner, D. & Srinivasan, M. (2015). The development of explicit and implicit spatial representations of time. Poster presented at the 9th Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Columbus, OH. [pdf]
Rabagliati, H., Conte, S., & Srinivasan, M. (2015). Words as invitations to form categories? The case of polysemy. Poster presented at the 40th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA. [pdf]
Foushee, R., Falkou, N., & Li, P. (2014). `Two-pound cookies’ or `two pounds of cookies’: Children’s appreciation of quantity expressions. Poster presented at the Boston University Conference on Language Development 39, Boston, MA.
Marghetis, T., Tillman, K., Srinivasan, M. & Barner, D. (2014). Learning to put time in its place: The development of spatial gestures for time. Poster presented at the Sixth Conference of the Society for Gesture Studies, San Diego, CA. [pdf]