Virtual Library

Explore this gallery of presentations that our lab members have given to learn more about what research we’re passionate about. In these clips, you’ll learn how so many factors contribute to the language and cognitive development of children, and that we’re dedicated to better understanding them.

“The Development of Reasoning About Religious Norms” – Dr. Mahesh Srinivasan


“Language Development Across Communities and Cultures” for Science at Cal – Dr. Mahesh Srinivasan

Ruthe Foushee’s exit speech at the Institute of Human Development Virtual Colloquium

CAAEYC 2019 Annual Conference Center for Social Change Panel – Ruthe Foushee

“What Is an Adaptive Pattern of Brain Activity? It Depends on One’s Environment” – Monica Ellwood-Lowe, ISDP Conference, 2020

Ruthe Foushee, KPOO San Francisco Podcast, “Let Me Touch Your Mind”, 2020

“Disagreement and the Development of Intellectual Humility”- Antonia Langenhoff, UC Berkeley Institute of Human Development Colloquium talk

“Language as a Signature of the Flexible Human Mind”- Dr. Mahesh Srinivasan

“Social Reasoning and Subjective Disagreement” – Ruthe Foushee, MindCORE Fellow Talk 2020

“Financial Concerns Suppress Parents’ Speech With Their Children” – Monica Ellwood-Lowe, E2A, 2019

“Do Preschoolers Use New Words With Speakers Who Don’t Know These Words?” – Antonia Langenhoff, poster presentation

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